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In the few years of its existence, The Flying Merkel became a true motorcycle legend. Although surviving Merkels are seldom seen these days, they are widely recognized as icons of the motorized world.
How could this small brand acquire such a high appreciation? The answer can be found in the innovative designs, the excellent engineering, the great racing successes, and the evocative brand name. It all originates from the company founder Joseph Merkel, who gained experience as a mechanic and educated himself by studying mechanical engineering. After working as an engineer for E.P.Allis, the biggest employer in the region, for several years, he founded his own little business in Milwaukee over a century ago.
Joseph MerkelIn the struggle for survival, Joseph Merkel merged his business twice with other manufacturing companies. The company was relocated each time and the “Merkel” brand name was changed to “Merkel Light” and later to “The Flying Merkel”. This eventful history ended when production of motorcycles ceased during World War I. By that time, Joseph Merkel had already left the company.
In order to revive some of the history, please be invited to view the following pages with original photos of Merkel's creations over the years.

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